This Moment is Nothing

I was reading something today, (written by my favourite author Jamie Sams), that triggered an idea or opened my mind to receive a message: this moment is nothing.

When the message entered my awareness I felt my whole body react – my eyes widened, my shoulders went back and my lungs inhaled. This was a very powerful message.

The basis of this message comes from the story of “the beginning of the world” by an Ojibwe Elder (the link in on the homepage of my website). My understanding of her story goes like this:

    “In the beginning there was nothing… absolutely nothing — except the possibility. And if there was a possibility for one thing, there is a possibility for all things.”

When I received my words of Wisdom today, I realized that each moment is the beginning, the blank slate, the “nothingness”, filled with possibilities.

Each moment is filled with all that “Is”, all the Possibilities that have unfolded and are waiting for what will be. And in each moment of nothingness we are creating the possibilities.

As human beings we often fill our minds with thoughts of “what if” and “if only” or “tomorrow” or “next time” … but we don’t have to wait for some miraculous occurrence to change our lives. In this moment of nothing, that in-between breath, we can change who we are, where we are headed, what we think of ourselves, how we present ourselves, and what we are saying, thinking, and doing. We can make the Possibilities happen.

And from this moment of “nothing” … all things are possible.

~ Debbie, “The Journey Within “ logo


  1. bkjagadish said,

    September 10, 2010 at 2:02 am

    ….it was nice to read your superb piece ” This Moment is Nothing “…thank you Debbie for sharing your thoughts on your continued adventures !!…

  2. MsDebbieP said,

    September 10, 2010 at 3:35 am

    thank-you. .. I wasn’t sure if I was able to pass on the message that I had received since it was just “nothing” but “everything” at the same time.

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